Success Stories

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From Diana Bellamy.

“My husband Rick has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma which travelled to his spine resulting in him requiring a wheelchair. His mobility has changed over the last few months thanks to a wonderful, free program called Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR).

The physiotherapist felt that his progress was significant enough that he could graduate to a walker and suggested the Stella Rollator. The program doesn’t have the budget to have one available, so we went to a local store (Assist Health Supplies) and purchased one with all of the accessories (slow down brakes, arm rests, and footrests).

I can’t believe what a miraculous difference this has made to our lives. The versatility it offers with such a light frame is amazing.”

Plus, it comes with a convenient cane holder!

Alison Levine in Paris

“My motorized wheelchair, the Alltrack M3 from Amylior is the highest quality chair I’ve ever had. Completely custom to meet my positioning needs and all the extra bells and whistles to improve my quality of life, it’s a chair I know I’ll love for many years as we travel around the world. The whole Amylior company have been nothing short of amazing, kind, welcoming, and dedicated to making the lives of people with disabilities better.” – Alison Levine, 3x boccia Paralympian.

More info about Alison :

Daniel Lafleur first contacted us through one of our posts. We asked him why he liked his new Alltrack R Hybrid-Wheel Drive so much… he said “This power chair has changed my life; I no longer have back pain. I just tilt for a few minutes and the pain stops”. Understandable, Daniel has a power tilt which lets him change his posture and shift his weight to favor his back.

Daniel Lafleur - Alltrack

Doug Abbey has never let his mobility issues slow him down. A quadriplegic as a result of two separate car accidents, Doug is fearlessly determined to experience his favourite things in life such as the company of family and friends, and British Columbia’s beautiful natural vistas.

In his mid-50s with three children and two grandchildren, Doug’s get-out-there spirit has taken him camping and exploring, boating and even waterskiing. He also walks his dog three to four times daily, an activity that refreshes him in body and mind.

Read more:


Kristina is “shopping” for a new power wheelchair. She was given an Alltrack R3 to test drive for a week or so to see if it was suitable for her. “It’s a lot better that the one I have now (from another manufacturer)… I took it out and did the same thing and got stuck 3 times and it dug a pretty big hole with its casters!” Kristina will be getting her new Alltrack R3 soon.


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